Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tree of Life (End Time Church)

Your Spiritual Church or Ministry for the last days should not be set up as a
corporate hierarchy with the pastor as head, at the top of the tree!

The TREE of LIFE is planted and firmly rooted in fertile soil, with a solid spiritual foundation of the 5-fold ministry.

Do not set up a church or ministry as a worldly corporation or that is all you will have, a worldly business.

Jesus is the vine, we are the branches.
GOD IS THE TRUNK. Nurishment comes up from the roots through the trunk and feeds the branches so others may be fed from the tree. Jesus said; "I AM THE WAY AND THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. NO ONE COMES TO FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME."

Monday, January 31, 2011

What is wrong with your church or ministry?

The World System has infiltrated the Church! Visualize a typical corporate chart with the chain of command, complete with the CEO at the top, down to various business executives. Now visualize the titles on this chart being replaced by other familiar titles, such as "Pastor" in the CEO position, the "Elders" next, followed by the "Decons", etc.

The Tree of Life is up-side-down
It is not rooted. The tree is not being fed. It has no foundation. It is set up by the world's corporate system.

Churches and ministries are run more like a business. Like a business, they have their positions to fill, qualifications to meet and their staff to pay.

Like a business, they have their "vision" (mission statement) which they consider to be different or unique from other churches or ministries and they expect those who join or attend to agree with that vision, buy their product offers, or leave. They really do not care which. Like a business, they read books and/or attend seminars that propose the best methods available for increasing church attendance and commitment to their cause and ways.

They also learn how to make more money in order to support their success, which is often realized by the need for a bigger, better building, which requires more funds. The next thing you know, they are supporting a "beast". These methods are often the same methods we might see in a business operation with advertising and promotions and even websites to pull in even more funding.

"Absolute authority corrupts absolutely.

“The high places of wickedness will be destroyed.” “The wrath of God is being revealed from Heaven against all godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth.”

Anyone in ministry who takes on the kind of authority structure that belongs to the arrogant and presumptuous world, will fall, no matter how purely they think they started out. Indeed, no one could belong to or construct that kind of system without being corrupt, or corrupted by it, in some way. That Corporate Hierarchy System is actually diametrically opposed to the Eph. 4:11 building of a spiritual church with “Living Stones”. It may attempt to appear valid. However, it is a worldly system from the top down rather than from the bottom up, with a 'leader' on top. (please remember that a group of leaders can be a false front. There is always someone who holds the purse strings and there is commonly someone who is really at the helm!) Even if it is not spoken; “This is not a church, this is a business”, the people involved seem to think that way.

The Bible reminds us; "Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret."

Nothing is done in secret that will not be exposed. God is not mocked.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Nephilim among us! End of Days . . .

There was a righteous man whose eyes were opened by the Lord, and he (Enoch) saw a Holy vision in the Heavens, which the Angels showed.

And I heard everything from them, and I understood what I saw: but it was not meant for that generation, but for a distant generation that has now come to pass. The Final Call is for you. Be watchful!

The Eternal God will tread upon the Mount, and He will appear with his Hosts, and will appear in the strength of his power from the Realm of the Spirit. All will be afraid, the Watchers will shake, fear and great trembling will seize them and pursue them to the ends of the earth. The high mountains will be shaken; the high hills will be laid low and will melt like wax in a flame. The earth will quake and sink.

There will be judgment upon all, but for the righteous: He will make peace and will keep safe the Chosen. His mercy will be upon them. They will all belong to God, they will prosper and be blessed. The light of God will shine on them, for they are the ones who prepared and were waiting for the Bridegroom to come. Behold! (waiting a one waits on tables in a restaurant)

He comes with ten thousand holy ones; to execute judgment upon the fallen ones, the runaways and to destroy the impious. He will contend with all flesh concerning everything the sinners and the impious ones have done and wrought against Him.

God will not be mocked.